Joesiah On the Issues
Joesiah centers his work around faith, family, and community, as an ordained minister, proud husband and father, and community leader who will always fight the good fight on behalf of the people.
Housing, Seniors, and Veterans
Young families can’t afford to buy homes in places they grew up in like Brightwood and rents are skyrocketing all over Springfield. We need to stabilize rents, hold slum landlords accountable, and expand first time homebuyer programs. Seniors deserve to retire with dignity. As City Councilor, I’ll lead on implementing new state law that allows Springfield to cut property taxes for seniors and veterans.
City Services and Quality of Life
Crime keeps plaguing our neighborhoods. You need a City Councilor who can actually lead, and delivers results. At New North Citizens Council I delivered 5 million for programs that prevent violence. As Councilor, I’ll secure funds to expand youth jobs, and community programs. Public health is a priority and we need to address rising asthma rates, diabetes, and substance abuse.
Good Schools, Small Businesses, and Jobs
As a School Committee member, I secured 146 million for schools, implemented school safety protocols, and expanded student and parent involvement. As City Councilor I’ll be a strong advocate for our schools and students. We have to invest in vocational technical education, like Putnam, to create a pipeline to good paying jobs. I’ll oppose corporate handouts, and fight to provide grants and reduce taxes on local small businesses.
Public Safety and Health
You should be able to take pride in where you live. The City has failed on snow removal, blighted properties, and pothole repair. You need a City Councilor who can stand up to the Mayor and fight for quality city services. Our kids shouldn’t have to play in parks where there are needles and litter. We have to beautify and take ownership of our parks, playgrounds, and open spaces.